Personal Loan Calculator

When it comes to managing personal finances, taking out a loan is often necessary to fund large expenses. However, with so many loan options available in South Africa, it can be difficult to determine which loan is the best fit for your specific situation. This is where our personal loan calculator can come in handy.

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?For example service fees and account management fee
?For example opening fees and agreement fees
R 0
60 months
R 0
R 0.00
R 0
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*Representative example: Estimated repayments of a loan of R30,000 over 36 months at a maximum interest rate including fees of 27,5% APR would be R1,232.82 per month. Arcadia Finance is an online loan broker and not a lender. Our service is free, and we work with NCR licensed lenders in South Africa. Interest rates charged by lenders can start as low as 20% APR, including an initiation and service fee determined by the lender. The interest rate offered depends on the applicants' credit score and other factors at the lender's discretion.

Loan amount R100 - R250,000. Repayment terms can range from 3 - 72 months. Minimum APR is 5% and maximum APR is 60%.

How personal loan calculators work

Personal loan calculators work by using specific variables to estimate the total cost of a loan. These variables include the loan amount and term, the interest rate and any fees or charges associated with the loan. By inputting these variables into the calculator, you can get an estimate of your monthly repayment, the total cost of the loan and the total amount of interest charged.

The calculation methods used by personal loan calculators may differ slightly depending on the specific calculator used. However, most loan calculators use a standard formula to calculate the loan repayments, which takes into account the principal amount borrowed, the interest rate and the loan term.

Additionally, some loan calculators may factor in other variables, such as any upfront or monthly service fees, or other charges associated with the loan. By including these variables in the calculation, the loan calculator can provide a more accurate estimate of the total cost of the loan.

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Loan Calculator Arcadia Finance

Benefits of using personal loan calculators

Using a calculator can offer many benefits. Some of the key benefits include:

Convenience and ease of use

Personal loan calculators are typically available online, which makes them a convenient and accessible tool for anyone who is considering taking out a personal loan. Most loan calculators are easy to use and require you to enter in basic information about the loan amount, term and interest rate. This means that you can quickly obtain an estimate of the loan repayments and total cost without having to spend hours researching different loan options.

Time-saving benefits

By using a personal loan calculator, you can save time by quickly comparing different loan options and their associated costs. Instead of having to manually calculate the loan repayments and cost for each loan, you can use a loan calculator to get this information in a matter of seconds. This can save you a lot of time and effort, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your financial planning.

Accurate loan repayment information

Calculators use specific variables and calculation methods to estimate the total cost of a loan, which means that the loan repayment information provided by the calculator is likely to be accurate. This can help you decide which loan to choose because you will have a good idea of the monthly repayments and total cost of the loan.

Ability to compare loan options

One of the biggest benefits of using a loan calculator is the ability to compare the different loan options. By inputting the loan amount, term, and interest rate for different loans, you can get estimates of the loan repayments and total cost. This makes it easy to compare different loan options and determine which one is the most affordable and suitable for your pocket.

Using a personal loan calculator can provide many benefits for individuals who are considering taking out a loan. By using a calculator, you can quickly obtain accurate loan repayment information, save time and compare the different loan options.

» MORE: Best short-term loans for emergency money needs

Different types of personal loan calculators

There are several different types of personal loan calculators available in South Africa. Each type of calculator is designed to help individuals estimate different aspects of a loan, depending on their specific financial capacity. Some of the most common types of personal loan calculators include:

Standard loan calculators

Standard loan calculators are the most basic type of loan calculators and are designed to help individuals estimate the monthly repayments and total cost of a loan. These calculators typically require you to input the loan amount, term and interest rate and may factor in any upfront fees associated with the loan.

Affordability calculators

Affordability calculators are designed to help individuals determine how much they can afford to borrow based on their income and expenses. These calculators typically require you to input your monthly income, expenses and any other debt repayments you have and will provide an estimate of the maximum amount you can afford to borrow.

Early-repayment calculators

Early-repayment calculators are designed to help individuals estimate the savings they can achieve by making early repayments on a loan. These calculators typically require you to input the loan amount, term and interest rate and will provide an estimate of the total interest charged based on different repayment scenarios.

Consolidation loan calculators

Consolidation loan calculators are designed to help individuals estimate the potential savings they can achieve by consolidating multiple debts into a single loan. These calculators usually require you to input the details of each debt, including the interest rate and outstanding balances, and will provide an estimate of what you can save by consolidating your debts into a single loan.

There are many different types of personal loans that are designed to help individuals estimate different aspects of a loan. By using a combination of these calculators, you can obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the cost and affordability of the different loan options.

» MORE: Consolidation of debt | Save by transfering your debt

Factors to consider when using personal loan calculators

While calculators can be a useful tool when it comes to estimating the cost of a loan, it’s important to keep in mind that there are several factors that can impact the accuracy of the calculator. Before using a personal loan calculator, it’s important to consider the following factors:

Interest rates

Interest rates can have a significant impact on the total cost of a loan. It’s important to make sure that the interest rate used in the loan calculator is accurate and up to date. Keep in mind that interest rates can vary depending on the type of loan and the lender, so it’s important to do your research and obtain accurate interest rate information before using the loan calculator.

Fees and charges

Many loans in South Africa come with charges, such as upfront, monthly service and late-payment fees. These fees can significantly impact the total cost of the loan and should be factored into the loan calculator. Make sure to obtain accurate information about the fees associated with the loan before using the calculator.

Loan terms

The term of the loan (the length of time over which the loan is repaid) can impact the monthly repayments and total cost of the loan. Make sure to input the correct loan term into the calculator to get an accurate estimate of the loan repayments and total cost.

Eligibility criteria

The loan calculator may provide an estimate of the loan repayments and total cost, but it’s important to keep in mind that your eligibility for the loan may also impact the actual cost of the loan. Make sure to check the eligibility criteria for the loan before using the calculator to ensure that you meet the requirements.

When using a personal loan calculator, it’s crucial that you consider the impact of different factors such as interest rates, fees and charges, loan terms and eligibility criteria on the accuracy of the calculator. By keeping these factors in mind, you can obtain a more accurate estimate of the total cost of the loan and make a better decision about which loan to choose.

Secure your loan effortlessly via Arcadia Finance. There’s no fee to apply, and you can select from a range of 10 trusted lenders. Each lender follows the regulations set by the National Credit Regulator in South Africa.


Personal loan calculators are a valuable tool for anyone who is considering taking out a loan in South Africa. By using a loan calculator, individuals can obtain estimates of the monthly repayments, total cost, and interest charged for different loan options, which can help them make an informed decision about which loan to choose.

There are several diverse types of calculators available, including standard loan, affordability, early-repayment and consolidation loan calculators. Each type of calculator is designed to help individuals estimate the aspects of a loan, depending on their specific situation.

When using a loan calculator, it’s important to keep in mind that there are several factors that can impact the accuracy of the calculator, such as interest rates, fees and charges, loan terms and eligibility criteria. By considering these factors and obtaining accurate information about the loan, individuals can obtain a more accurate estimate of the total cost of the loan.


What factors should I consider when using a personal loan calculator?

When using a loan calculator, it’s important to consider the impact of factors such as interest rates, fees and charges, loan terms and eligibility criteria on the accuracy of the calculator. By keeping these factors in mind, you can obtain a more precise estimate of the total cost of the loan.

Are the interest rates provided by personal loan calculators accurate?

The interest rates provided by personal loan calculators may not always be 100% accurate. Interest rates can vary depending on the type of loan and the lender, so it’s important to do your research and obtain accurate interest rate information before using the loan calculator.

Can I use a personal loan calculator to compare different loan options?

Yes, personal loan calculators are a great tool for comparing different loan options available in South Africa. By inputting the loan amount, term and interest rate for different loans, you can get estimates of the loan repayments and total cost. This makes it easy to compare different loan options and determine which one is the most affordable and suitable for your financial situation.

What are the benefits of using a personal loan calculator?

Using a personal loan calculator can offer many benefits for individuals who are considering taking out a loan. Some of the key benefits include convenience and ease of use, accurate loan repayment information and the ability to compare loan options; plus, it saves you time.

Can I use a personal loan calculator to estimate the savings I can achieve by making early repayments on a loan?

Yes, some personal loan calculators are specifically designed to help individuals estimate the savings they can achieve by making early repayments on a loan. These calculators typically require you to input the loan amount, term and interest rate, and will provide an estimate of the total interest charged based on different repayment scenarios.