Richest Women In South Africa

South Africa is home to some of the most successful and influential women in the world. These women have made substantial contributions to the country’s economy and have inspired others to follow in their footsteps.

Key Takeaways

  1. Diverse Industries: South Africa’s wealthiest women have amassed their fortunes in a range of sectors, including telecommunications, mining, retail, and philanthropy. This diversity not only showcases their adaptability but also highlights the plethora of opportunities accessible to women within the country’s business landscape.
  2. Significant Impact: Beyond mere wealth accumulation, these women have left a substantial imprint on South African society through their entrepreneurial ventures and philanthropic endeavors. Their contributions have bolstered various causes, spanning education, healthcare, women’s empowerment, and community development.
  3. Role Models for Future Generations: These accomplished women stand as formidable role models for future generations, illustrating that with determination and expertise, breaking barriers and attaining success in traditionally male-dominated sectors is attainable. Their narratives of resilience and achievement can serve as inspiration for young women in South Africa and globally, encouraging them to pursue their aspirations in business or other domains.

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Top 10 Richest Women in South Africa

Wendy Appelbaum

Wendy Appelbaum

Net Worth: R2.6 billion

Industry: Wine Estate Ownership and Philanthropy

Key Achievements: Owner of DeMorgenzen Wine Estate, a notable philanthropist in the healthcare and education sectors.

Brief Biography: Wendy Appelbaum, daughter of South African billionaire Donald Gordon, has carved out her own path in business and philanthropy. After a successful career in various corporate roles, including directorships at Liberty Investors, she took the helm of DeMorgenzen Wine Estate. Her strategic leadership has seen the estate thrive.

Impact and Philanthropy: Wendy is well-known for her significant contributions to healthcare, having donated millions to create better medical facilities and fund research. Her work extends to supporting education for underprivileged children, demonstrating a profound impact on South Africa’s social fabric.

Wendy Ackerman

Net Worth: R1.9 billion

Industry: Retail

Key Achievements: Co-founder of Pick n Pay, a major South African supermarket chain.

Brief Biography: Wendy Ackerman, alongside her husband Raymond, was instrumental in the founding and growth of Pick n Pay from its inception in 1967. Her focus on customer service and innovation in retail management helped establish the brand as a household name in South Africa.

Impact and Philanthropy: Wendy’s dedication to social causes is evident in her support for education and health initiatives, significantly contributing to community development projects and sustainability programs within South Africa.

Irene Charnley

Irene Charnley

Net Worth: R1.6 billion

Industry: Telecommunications

Key Achievements: Founding Smile Telecommunications, expanding mobile network access across Africa.

Brief Biography: Irene Charnley began her career as a trade union negotiator before transitioning to a significant role in the telecommunications sector. Her leadership at MTN Group was marked by strategic expansion into new markets before she founded Smile Telecommunications, further revolutionizing mobile access in Africa.

Impact and Philanthropy: Irene is actively involved in various social development programs, particularly those aiming to enhance educational and economic opportunities for women and youth across Africa, showcasing her commitment to improving societal structures through connectivity and education.

Bridgette Radebe

Bridgette Radebe

Net Worth: R1 billion

Industry: Mining

Key Achievements: Founder of Mmakau Mining, pioneering roles in South Africa’s mining sector.

Brief Biography: Coming from a family of successful entrepreneurs, Bridgette Radebe carved her niche in the male-dominated mining industry by founding Mmakau Mining, focusing on gold, platinum, and coal mining. Her leadership has brought significant advancements in mining practices and sustainability.

Impact and Philanthropy: Bridgette has been influential in shaping mining policy in South Africa and advocating for the rights and advancement of women in mining, both domestically and internationally.

Sharon Wapnick

Sharon Wapnick

Net Worth: R767 million

Industry: Real Estate and Investments

Key Achievements: Top positions at Octodec Investments Ltd and City Property Proprietary Limited.

Brief Biography: Sharon Wapnick, daughter of property mogul Alec Wapnick, has successfully continued her father’s legacy while establishing her own formidable presence in the real estate and investment sectors. Her strategic acumen has significantly influenced the growth and success of her family’s enterprises.

Impact and Philanthropy: Sharon is noted for her generous support of educational and healthcare charities. Her involvement in philanthropy extends beyond financial contributions; she actively engages in initiatives aimed at improving living standards and providing opportunities for underprivileged communities in South Africa.

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Elizabeth Bradley

Elizabeth Bradley

Net Worth: R332 million

Industry: Multiple industries including automotive and finance

Key Achievements: Chairman roles at various major companies, influential in corporate South Africa.

Brief Biography: Elizabeth Bradley has held various executive roles that underscore her influential status in South African business. Her leadership positions at Wesco Investments and Toyota South Africa highlight her capability to steer major companies toward success. Elizabeth’s career is distinguished by her strategic insight and leadership in predominantly male-dominated industries.

Impact and Philanthropy: Elizabeth is not only a business leader but also a role model for aspiring female entrepreneurs. Her involvement in community projects and educational initiatives showcases her commitment to giving back to society, particularly in empowering women in the business sector.

Judy Dlamini

Judy Dlamini

Net Worth: R124 million

Industry: Healthcare and investments

Key Achievements: Founder of Mbekani Group, author, and chancellor of the University of the Witwatersrand.

Brief Biography: Dr. Judy Dlamini started as a medical doctor before venturing into the business world where she made significant impacts across various sectors. Her transition from healthcare to founding the Mbekani Group, an investment company focusing on health, exemplifies her versatile career path.

Impact and Philanthropy: Judy’s work extends beyond business into philanthropy and education. Through her foundation, she supports educational and health initiatives, demonstrating her dedication to uplifting the lives of South Africans, particularly women and children.

Nonhlanhla Mjoli-Mncube

Nonhlanhla Mjoli-Mncube

Net Worth: R94 million

Industry: Real Estate and Education

Key Achievements: Prominent roles in educational reform and real estate development.

Brief Biography: Starting her career in education, Nonhlanhla Mjoli-Mncube quickly moved into significant roles in real estate, demonstrating her ability to lead and innovate in multiple sectors. Her work in policy and development has been instrumental in shaping South Africa’s educational and housing landscapes.

Impact and Philanthropy: Nonhlanhla is committed to improving education and housing for underprivileged communities. Her efforts in policy-making and development projects have significantly contributed to societal advancement in South Africa.

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Mamphela Ramphele

Mamphela Ramphele

Net Worth: R55 million

Industry: Academia, Business, and Activism

Key Achievements: Co-founder of ReimagineSA

Brief Biography: Mamphela Ramphele has had a multifaceted career as a medical doctor, activist, academic, and businesswoman. Her diverse roles have all centered around social reform and advocacy for equality and justice, both in South Africa and internationally.

Impact and Philanthropy: Ramphele’s work in social justice and her political activism have made her a key figure in South Africa’s struggle for equality. Her ongoing efforts to address social disparities through education and economic empowerment continue to impact many lives.

Christine Ramon

Christine Ramon

Net Worth: R49.67 million

Industry: Mining and Finance

Key Achievements: Former CFO of AngloGold Ashanti, an influential figure in corporate finance.

Brief Biography: Christine Ramon’s career in finance and mining has marked her as a leading figure in industries typically dominated by men. Her roles have spanned from CFO positions in major corporations to impactful directorships, showcasing her financial expertise and strategic acumen.

Impact and Philanthropy: Christine is known for her involvement in corporate governance and ethics in business. Her influence extends into mentoring young professionals, particularly women, in finance and leadership, underscoring her commitment to fostering a new generation of leaders.

Significance of Women’s Contributions to the Economy and Society

The accomplishments of these women demonstrate the significant role they play in various sectors of South Africa’s economy. From mining and finance to telecommunications and retail, these women have defied gender stereotypes and broken through barriers to establish themselves as leaders in their respective fields. Their success not only contributes to the economy but also paves the way for future generations of women to pursue their dreams and excel in their chosen careers.

Methodology for Calculating Net Worth

To determine the net worth of these remarkable women, we have considered various sources of information, including public records, financial statements, and credible news reports. We have considered their stakes in companies, property and other investments, while also accounting for their liabilities and debt.

» More info: on the richest South African men and their wealth!

Significance of Women's Contributions to the Economy and Society

Lessons from the Richest Women in South Africa

Factors Contributing to Their Success

The stories of South Africa’s wealthiest women reveal common factors that have contributed to their success. These include resilience, determination, adaptability and a commitment to learning and self-improvement. Their strong work ethic, entrepreneurial spirit, and strategic thinking have allowed them to excel, creating significant wealth and making a lasting impact on the economy.

Challenges Faced and How They Overcame Them

Each of these women has faced unique challenges in their journey to success, such as breaking into male-dominated industries, overcoming personal and professional obstacles, and navigating the complexities of the business world. They have demonstrated an ability to learn from their experiences, adapt to new circumstances, and persevere through adversity. By embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and development, these women have risen to prominence and achieved extraordinary success.

Impact on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment

The accomplishments of South Africa’s richest women serve as an inspiration for aspiring female entrepreneurs and leaders, highlighting the potential for success in the face of adversity.

By sharing their stories and experiences, these women have become role models for the next generation. Their impact on gender equality and women empowerment extends beyond their personal success as they continue to contribute to the growth and development of South Africa and inspire future generations of female leaders.


The accomplishments of South Africa’s richest women underscore the importance of encouraging and supporting women in business and leadership roles. By providing equal opportunities, resources and mentorship, we can help foster a more inclusive and diverse business landscape that not only benefits women but also strengthens the economy and society as a whole. As these women continue to break down barriers and challenge societal norms, they pave the way for greater gender equality and empowerment of women in the business world, inspiring future generations to pursue their dreams and achieve their full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to share the stories of South Africa’s richest women?

Sharing the stories of South Africa’s richest women is important because it highlights their accomplishments, demonstrates the potential for success in the face of adversity and provides inspiration for future generations of female entrepreneurs and leaders. Their achievements serve as a reminder of the power of resilience, determination, and hard work in overcoming challenges and achieving success.

How can we encourage more women to pursue business and leadership roles in South Africa?

Encouraging more women to pursue business and leadership roles in South Africa requires creating an environment that supports and empowers them through equal opportunities, access to resources and mentorship. By promoting a culture of inclusivity and diversity, we can help foster a more vibrant and innovative business landscape that benefits everyone.

What impact do the accomplishments of South Africa’s richest women have on gender equality?

The accomplishments of South Africa’s richest women have a significant impact on gender equality by challenging societal norms and breaking down barriers that have historically limited opportunities for women. Their success demonstrates that women are just as capable of achieving extraordinary feats in business and leadership, paving the way for greater gender equality and empowerment of women.

How can the lessons learned from South Africa’s wealthiest women be applied to other aspiring entrepreneurs and leaders, regardless of gender?

The lessons learned from South Africa’s wealthiest women, such as resilience, determination, adaptability and commitment to learning and self-improvement, can be applied to aspiring entrepreneurs and leaders of any gender. Embracing these qualities can help individuals overcome challenges, seize opportunities and achieve success in their own ventures.

What role do mentorship and networking play in the success of women in business and leadership roles?

Mentorship and networking play a crucial role in the success of women in business and leadership roles by providing guidance, support and access to valuable resources and connections. Mentors can offer insight and advice based on their own experiences, while networking can help women forge relationships that can lead to new opportunities and collaborations.

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