Check Your Credit Rating

The world of credit ratings might seem like a complex maze. Yet, understanding this concept can provide numerous financial opportunities. Whether you are applying for a home loan, applying for vehicle finance, or even starting a new business, the strength of your credit rating can be the key to unlocking these opportunities.

Key Takeaways

  1. Understanding Credit Ratings: A credit rating, often referred to as a credit score, is a three-digit number that represents your creditworthiness. In South Africa, the scale ranges from 0 to 999.
  2. High and Low Credit Ratings: A credit rating below 580 is generally considered low, while a rating above 739 is considered high in South Africa.
  3. Checking Credit Rating: South African law allows you to request one free credit report per year from each credit bureau, which usually include your credit rating.
  4. Understanding Credit Reports: Your credit report includes sections like personal information, credit summary, payment profile, enquiries, and public records.

Understanding Credit Rating: A Closer Look

Venturing into the world of credit ratings, it is vital to first understand what this term means and the elements contributing to it. A credit rating, often referred to as a credit score, is a three-digit number that represents your creditworthiness. This value gives lenders an indication of your ability to repay debts. The higher the number, the better your credit rating.

While credit rating systems can vary globally, South Africa operates on a scale from 0 to 999. The lower end of this scale typically represents a poor credit rating, indicating that the individual has a history of not managing their financial obligations well. In contract, the higher end of the scale indicates a strong credit history and better financial management, which could translate to greater trust from lenders.

What goes into determining your credit rating? Several factors come into play, including whether you pay your bills on time, the type of credit you have, the length of your credit history, and how much of your available credit you are using.

  • Payment History: How well you manage your payments is a key determinant of your credit rating. Late or missed payments can have a significant negative impact.
  • Credit Utilisation: This refers to the percentage of available credit that you are using. High utilisation can be a red flag to lenders.
  • Length of Credit History: Generally, a longer credit history can be beneficial for your credit rating, especially if it is a history of timely repayments.
  • Credit Mix: This looks at the types of credit you have. A mix of credit (e.g., credit cards, retail accounts, home loans, etc.) could potentially improve your credit rating.
  • Hard Enquiries: These occur when a lender checks your credit to make a lending decision. Too many hard enquiries can negatively affect your credit rating.

Understanding these contributing factors offers a comprehensive view of your financial health and provides a roadmap to better credit management. It allows you to see where improvements can be made and offers an understanding of how financial decisions impact your creditworthiness.

What is Considered a High and Low Credit Rating?

A high or low credit rating can serve as a gateway or a roadblock to financial opportunities. Knowing what is considered high or low on the credit rating scale can set realistic expectations when seeking credit and guide you towards the path of financial improvement.

In South Africa, a credit rating below 580 is generally considered low. This range often signals to lenders that you are a high-risk borrower, possibly resulting in either rejection of credit applications or approved credit with high-interest rates.

On the other side, a credit rating above 739 is generally considered high. Individuals in this range are seen as low-risk borrowers, often enjoying benefits such as lower interest rates, higher borrowing limits, and favourable repayment terms.

The middle ground, between 580 and 739, is considered fair to good. Although not as advantageous as having a high credit rating, individuals within this range can still access credit, often with reasonable terms.

The Role of Credit Bureaus in South Africa

Credit bureaus, also known as credit reporting agencies, play a crucial role in the financial landscape. They are organisations that collect and maintain consumer credit information, which they provide to lenders and other businesses for a fee.

South Africa hosts several credit bureaus, with the most notable ones being TransUnion, Experian, XDS and Compuscan. These agencies collect information from various sources, including banks, credit card companies, and retailers, and compile this data into a credit report. Your credit rating is derived from the information in this report.

Each bureau might have slightly different information about you, depending on their sources. Therefore, your credit rating may vary slightly between bureaus. However, the discrepancies are usually minor, and all ratings fall within the same general range, provided there are no errors.

How to Check Your Credit Rating

To check your credit rating, you can request a credit report from one of the credit bureaus. South African law provide that you are entitled to one free credit report per year from each credit bureau.

The process to obtain your report can vary slightly depending on the bureau, but generally, you will need to provide your full name, identification number, and some additional information to confirm your identity. You can request your report online or via phone, and the bureau will either email the report to you or provide an online dashboard where you can view it.

Once you have your report, your credit rating will usually be displayed prominently. But remember, your report contains much more than just your credit rating. It is a detailed account of your credit history, and it is worth taking the time to understand its different components.

» Find out more: Tips to Elevate Your Credit Score

Understanding Your Credit Report

With your credit report in hand, you now hold a detailed roadmap of your credit history. Remember, when considering your credit rating, it is not just about the destination, but rather about your financial journey to date, the detailed account of how you arrived at this point.

Your credit report can appear daunting with a variety of sections filled with numbers and terminology. Below is a breakdown of what you will typically find in the report:

  • Personal Information: This section details your personal details, including your full name, date of birth, identity number, contact information and addresses.
  • Credit Summary: Here, you will find an overview of your credit accounts, including the type and number of accounts, the outstanding balances, and the available credit.
  • Payment Profile: This crucial section shows a 24-month history of your payments, detailing whether payments were made on time or missed.
  • Enquiries: Every time a potential lender accesses your credit report, it is listed here. A high number of enquiries in a short period can negatively impact your credit rating.
  • Public Records: This is where you will find information about any judgments, liens, or bankruptcies against you.

Now, what if you find discrepancies in your credit report? Human errors and system glitches happen, and incorrect information on your credit report can unjustly harm your credit rating. It is your right to dispute these inaccuracies.

What to Do If Your Credit Rating is Low

A low credit rating is not a life sentence. While it may take time, improving your credit rating is possible, and it begins with identifying the factors contributing to your low score. Here are some strategies:

Address Outstanding Debts: If you have any unpaid debts, start there. Paying off outstanding debts is a significant first step in improving your credit rating.

Consolidate Debts: If you have several debts, consolidating them into one loan can make it easier to manage and reduce the risk of missing payments.

Pay Bills on Time: Consistently paying bills on time can have a positive impact on your credit rating over time.

Lower Credit Utilisation: Try to use less of your available credit. A lower credit utilisation rate can improve your credit rating.

Limit New Credit Applications: Each application can result in a hard enquiry, which can lower your credit rating. Only apply for new credit when necessary.

In South Africa, individuals with low credit ratings can also seek help from debt counsellors. They can provide advice and assistance to manage debt and improve your credit rating.

How to Maintain a High Credit Rating

If you are among the fortunate ones with a high credit rating, your goal should be to maintain and even improve it. Here are some tips:

Continue Paying Bills on Time: Even a single late payment can impact your credit rating. Ensure that all bills are paid on time.

Be Mindful of Credit Utilisation: Even with a high credit rating, high credit utilisation can be a red flag. Aim to keep your utilisation rate low.

Regularly Check Your Credit Report: Ensure that the information on your credit report is accurate. Regular check-ups can help identify errors early.

Maintain Old Credit Accounts: Older credit accounts contribute positively to your credit age, an important factor in your credit rating. Even if you do not use them, rather keep these accounts open.

Diversify Your Credit: A mix of different credit types can positively impact your credit rating.

It is worth noting that maintaining a high credit rating is not merely about having access to more credit. It is about financial freedom and flexibility.

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How to Leverage a High Credit Rating

With a high credit rating, the financial world opens up. Lower interest rates, better credit offers, higher limits, and more are within your reach. So how do you leverage this?

  • Negotiate Better Terms: Use your high credit rating to negotiate for lower interest rates or better terms on your loans and credit card accounts.
  • Apply for Premium Credit Cards: Premium credit cards offer a host of benefits, including rewards and cash back. Your high credit rating could make you eligible for these cards.
  • Take Advantage of Financial Opportunities: Whether it is starting a business, buying property, or investing in stocks, a high credit rating makes these opportunities more accessible.

Remember, a high credit rating reflects financial responsibility and should be used wisely. Your actions should always contribute positively to your financial well-being.


Understanding your credit rating and how to check it is a powerful tool in your financial toolkit, particularly in the South African financial landscape. A high credit rating opens doors, while a low credit rating serves as an invitation to improve. By consistently managing your credit well, you can navigate the financial seas with confidence, ready to seize the opportunities that lie ahead.


How often should I check my credit score in South Africa?

You are entitled to one free credit report per year from each credit bureau, but it is   beneficial to check your credit report more frequently. Consider checking it every quarter.

Is it possible to have a zero-credit rating?

Although the South African credit rating range is from 0 to 999, it is not possible. However, if you have no credit history at all, you might be considered as having ‘no score’, which can make it challenging to secure credit.

What happens if I default on a loan?

 How will it affect my credit rating? Defaulting on a loan can have a significantly negative impact on your credit rating. It suggests to lenders that you are at high risk of not fulfilling your repayment obligations.

Can I improve my credit rating within a short period?

Improving a credit rating takes time as it reflects your financial behaviour over time. There are no quick fixes, but consistent, responsible financial behaviour will improve your credit rating gradually.

Is my credit rating the only thing lenders consider when granting loans?

 While your credit rating is a crucial factor, it is not the only one. Lenders might also consider your income, employment status, and other financial information.

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