Cleaner's Salary

The cleaning industry is the unsung hero of every well-functioning society – keeping our spaces clean, maintaining the aesthetics of our surroundings and, most importantly, ensuring our health and safety. When you look at the South African context, it’s fascinating to note the breadth and depth of the cleaning sector. The cleaning industry, including domestic help and commercial and specialised cleaning services, serves as a significant employment provider, supporting hundreds of thousands of jobs across the nation.

Key Takeaways

  • Cleaners in South Africa face significant challenges, with low wages being the most pressing issue. The average salary for cleaners is around R3 460 per month, barely above the national minimum wage.
  • The wage disparities among cleaners can be attributed to various factors such as location, experience, skill level and type of employer. Cleaners in major cities and those with specialised skills tend to earn higher wages.
  • The cleaning sector is largely informal, contributing to the difficulty of enforcing wage laws and providing job security for workers.
  • Labour unions and government legislation play critical roles in advocating for better wages and working conditions for cleaners. However, enforcement of these laws, especially in the informal sector, remains a challenge.

An Overview of the Cleaning Industry in South Africa

The cleaning industry in South Africa is both extensive and diverse, ranging from domestic cleaning staff and janitorial services in corporate spaces, to specialised cleaning for sectors like health care and hospitality. It forms an integral part of the nation’s informal economy, with an estimated worth of over R3 billion. Many South Africans find their livelihoods within this industry, making it a pivotal player in the nation’s socioeconomic landscape. Despite the significance of the sector, the workers, often referred to as ‘cleaners’ face a range of issues, including low wages, job insecurity and poor working conditions, which often go unnoticed.

Relevance of Cleaners in Today’s Society

Cleaners hold a vital position today. They are the silent caretakers of our surroundings, ensuring cleanliness and order in the spaces we frequent. From offices, hospitals, schools and shopping centres to our own homes, cleaners make it possible for us to function in a clean and orderly environment. Their work is especially critical in maintaining sanitation standards in health care and food-service industries, which have direct implications on public health and safety.

The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the value of cleanliness and sanitation, thereby elevating the role of cleaners to front-line workers in the fight against the virus. Yet, it’s ironic that despite their invaluable contribution, cleaners often find themselves at the bottom of the wage pyramid.

The Economic Landscape for Cleaners in South Africa

Brief Overview of the South African Economy

South Africa, widely regarded as the economic powerhouse of Africa, hosts a mixed economy where both private and public sectors contribute significantly to its GDP. Yet, the nation grapples with high unemployment rates, poverty and stark economic inequalities – a legacy of apartheid. A broad section of the population is dependent on low-wage jobs in sectors like agriculture, mining and services, which includes the cleaning industry.

Understanding the Minimum Wage Framework in South Africa

South Africa introduced a National Minimum Wage (NMW) in January 2019 to protect low-income workers. The NMW provides a floor wage rate below which no employee should be paid, with a few exceptions. The rate is subject to annual review and adjustment. However, the NMW is not without criticism. Critics argue that it is still too low to meet the basic needs of workers and that enforcement is poor, especially in sectors like cleaning where informality and casual work are rampant.

Positioning the Cleaning Sector within the South African Economy

The cleaning sector is predominantly part of the informal economy in South Africa. Many individuals in this sector operate on a day-to-day basis, with no formal contracts, benefits or job security. Yet, this sector contributes significantly to the economy by providing a substantial number of employment opportunities. The unfortunate reality, however, is that cleaners often receive wages that are barely above the national minimum wage, which is widely regarded as insufficient to support a decent standard of living. The low wage issue in the cleaning sector raises questions about the effectiveness of wage policies and their enforcement.

The Cleaner’s Salary – A Deep Dive

Profiling the Typical Cleaner: Demographics and Socioeconomic Factors

The typical cleaner in South Africa is often female, aged between 25 to 44 years old, and supports an average of four dependents on her wage. She usually works full time, often exceeding standard working hours and has a primary level of education. The wage of a cleaner is often the only source of income in the household, making the financial burden on these workers immense.

Cleaner’s Salary: The Numbers, Facts and Figures

Despite the considerable responsibilities and contributions, cleaners’ wages remain dismally low. As of the latest figures, cleaners earn an average salary of R 3 460 per month in South Africa, with many earning less than this. This wage is barely above the national minimum wage and is starkly insufficient to meet the living costs of a family, pushing many cleaners and their families into the poverty trap.

Comparison of Cleaner’s Salaries: Regional and City-Wise Breakdown

Wages of cleaners also vary across regions and cities within South Africa. Cleaners in major cities like Johannesburg and Cape Town often earn higher wages compared to their counterparts in rural areas or smaller towns. However, the increased living costs in these cities often offset the higher wages, leaving cleaners in a state of financial hardship regardless of their location.

Factors Influencing a Cleaner’s Salary

Impact of Experience and Skills on Cleaner’s Salary

The salaries of cleaners in South Africa are significantly influenced by their experience and skill level. Those with more years of experience or specialised skills, such as industrial cleaning or sanitation control, often earn higher wages. However, the increase in wages with experience and skills is relatively marginal in the cleaning sector, and the wage ceiling is usually quite low, limiting the financial growth prospects for cleaners.

Role of Unions and Government Legislation in Determining Salaries

Labour unions and government legislation play a pivotal role in shaping the wages of cleaners. Unions advocate for higher wages, better working conditions and job security for cleaners. Recent years have witnessed a surge in union activities in the cleaning sector, resulting in some wage increases and improved working conditions. However, enforcement of legislation remains a significant issue, especially in the informal cleaning sector.

Influence of Employer Type: Corporate vs Residential Cleaning

The type of employer also has a substantial impact on a cleaner’s salary. Generally, corporate cleaning jobs, such as cleaning in office buildings, hospitals or schools, pay higher than residential cleaning jobs. Corporate employers often adhere better to minimum-wage laws and are more likely to provide additional benefits such as medical aid and paid leave.

» Read more: What’s an electrician’s real earnings?

Challenges and Solutions

Identifying Challenges: Low Wages, Job Security and Work Conditions

Cleaners in South Africa face several challenges, with low wages being the most critical. Their salaries are often insufficient to cover basic living costs, resulting in financial hardship. Job security is another significant concern as many cleaners are on temporary contracts or are casual workers. Cleaners often work in difficult conditions, including being exposed to harmful cleaning chemicals, heavy physical work and long hours, which negatively impact their health and well-being.

Possible Solutions and Initiatives for Cleaner’s Wage Improvement

Addressing the wage issue in the cleaning sector requires multi-pronged interventions. Implementing a living wage, strengthening enforcement of minimum wage laws and improving working conditions are critical steps. Additionally, professionalising the cleaning sector through training and skills development can open up opportunities for wage growth and career progression for cleaners. Strengthening the role of unions and enhancing the representation of cleaners in wage negotiations can empower cleaners in their fight for fair wages.


Understanding the complexities of a cleaner’s salary in South Africa necessitates a broader view of societal and economic factors at play. It’s not just about remuneration for work; it’s about dignity, social justice and economic equity. The path towards a fair wage for cleaners is laden with challenges yet brimming with opportunities. With collective action, legislative reforms and innovative solutions, a future where cleaners are adequately compensated for their vital work is within reach. As we conclude, let’s remember that the value of cleaners extends far beyond their wage; their work is integral to our everyday lives, our health and our well-being.

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What is the average cleaner’s salary in South Africa?

As of the latest data, cleaners in South Africa earn a median salary of about R3 460 per month. However, this figure can vary depending on various factors, such as location, type of employer and the cleaner’s experience and skills.

How does the National Minimum Wage (NMW) in South Africa impact a cleaner’s salary?

The NMW sets the baseline for cleaners’ salaries, providing a floor-wage rate below which no employee should be paid. However, the NMW is often criticised for being too low to meet the basic needs of workers, and enforcement of the NMW is particularly challenging in sectors like cleaning where informal and casual work is prevalent.

How does a cleaner’s salary in South Africa compare to other countries?

Cleaners in South Africa often earn less than their counterparts in developed countries due to differences in wage structures and economic conditions. However, the cost of living is also generally lower in South Africa. When compared with other African countries, cleaners’ salaries in South Africa tend to be relatively higher.

Why are wages so low for cleaners?

Cleaners’ wages are influenced by a multitude of factors, including weak enforcement of minimum-wage laws, lack of union representation, low levels of formalisation in the sector and limited opportunities for skills development and career progression. Socioeconomic factors, such as high unemployment rates and economic inequality, also contribute to low wages for cleaners.

What are some of the ways to improve a cleaner’s salary?

Improvement in cleaners’ salaries can be achieved through implementing a living wage, stronger enforcement of minimum-wage laws and improving working conditions. Professionalisation of the cleaning sector through training and skills development can also contribute to wage growth. Additionally, enhancing the role of unions and collective bargaining power can help in negotiating better wages and working conditions for cleaners.

How is technology influencing cleaners’ salaries?

Technology, particularly digital platforms for hiring cleaners, is beginning to influence wage dynamics in the cleaning sector. While these platforms could potentially lead to higher wages by increasing market transparency, they could also increase competition and informalisation of work, posing challenges for wage regulation.

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