Lime24 Loan Review

In today’s fast-paced world, the demand for quick and dependable financial solutions has never been more urgent. As digital platforms continue to reshape the way we handle our daily affairs, the lending sector is no exception. Lime24 stands out as one of South Africa’s prominent digital lending platforms, offering a blend of convenience, transparency, and speed. Whether you’re considering borrowing from Lime24 or simply curious about its offerings, this guide is designed to provide you with a clear and unbiased perspective.

How much do you need?
*Representative example: Estimated repayments of a loan of R30,000 over 36 months at a maximum interest rate including fees of 27,5% APR would be R1,232.82 per month.
Loan amount R100 - R250,000. Repayment terms can range from 3 - 72 months. Minimum APR is 5% and maximum APR is 60%.

Experiences with Lime24 Loans

Navigating the financial landscape can be daunting, especially when unexpected expenses arise. Lime24 has emerged as a go-to solution for many South Africans in such situations. Users have praised the platform’s swift application process and the clarity of terms as standout features. The digital nature of Lime24 means no physical meetings, no unnecessary paperwork, and a relatively quick response time. Real users like Thabo and Esther have shared how Lime24 loans have served as a lifeline, helping them bridge financial gaps when needed.

Who Can Apply for a Lime24 Loan?

Who Can Apply for a Lime24 Loan?

The beauty of Lime24 lies in its inclusivity. Whether you’re a young professional facing an end-of-month crunch or a parent dealing with unexpected school fees, Lime24 is open to a wide range of applicants. However, there are some basic requirements:

  • Age: You must be 18 years or older.
  • Residency: You should be a resident of South Africa.
  • Identification: A valid SA ID number is required.
  • Contact: A working cellphone number.
  • Banking: Valid bank account details and bank statements from the last three months showing your income.

Lime24’s commitment to inclusivity, coupled with its digital efficiency, makes it a noteworthy option for those seeking quick and accessible financial solutions in South Africa.

Criteria for Potential Borrowers

When considering Lime24 as a lending platform, it’s crucial to understand the criteria they set for potential borrowers. Lime24 has streamlined its requirements to ensure a swift and straightforward application process. Firstly, an applicant must possess a valid South African ID number, indicating their legal status in the country. This is a standard requirement across most lending platforms to ensure the legitimacy of the borrower.

Additionally, Lime24 requires applicants to provide their cellphone number and bank account details. The bank account serves not only for the transfer of the loan amount but also as a verification tool for the borrower’s financial standing. To further assess the financial health and repayment capability of the applicant, Lime24 requests the latest three months of bank statements that showcase the applicant’s income. This provides Lime24 with a snapshot of the borrower’s financial behavior, ensuring responsible lending to those who can afford to repay.

Differences from Other Loan Providers

Lime24 has carved out a distinctive position in the crowded online lending market of South Africa. One of its standout features is its commitment to transparency. In contrast to some providers that may have hidden fees or charges catching borrowers off guard, Lime24 prides itself on offering clear terms. Right from the beginning, borrowers can view the total cost of their loan from their individual profile, eliminating any guesswork or unpleasant surprises.

Speed is another notable area where Lime24 excels. Once an application is approved, the money can be in the borrower’s account in a remarkably short time. This rapid processing can be a lifeline for those in urgent need of funds.

Lime24 places a strong emphasis on security. In an era where data breaches are unfortunately common, Lime24 ensures user data is protected to the highest standards. Their payment system aligns with the global requirements set by industry giants like Visa and Mastercard. Their operations adhere to the standards set by the National Credit Regulator and the legislations of the Republic of South Africa, ensuring they operate within the bounds of the law and uphold the rights of their borrowers.

About Arcadia Finance

With Arcadia Finance, finding a loan is straightforward and user-friendly. Our service includes connecting you to various banks and lending institutions after completing a free application. You can expect loan proposals from up to 10 distinct lenders. We pride ourselves on partnering only with lenders who are accredited by the National Credit Regulator (NCR) in South Africa.

Lime24 Loan

Lime24 has positioned itself as a go-to platform for many South Africans in need of quick and transparent financial solutions. But what exactly sets Lime24 apart from the myriad of other lenders in the market?

What Makes the Lime24 Loan Unique?

Lime24’s uniqueness stems from its user-friendly approach. First and foremost, they offer a straightforward loan calculator on their website. This tool allows potential borrowers to get a glimpse of their possible loan terms, even before applying. While it’s for reference only, it gives a clear idea of what to expect.

Another standout feature is the transparency Lime24 promises. There are no hidden fees, and users can select their loan conditions. The total cost is always visible from individual profiles, ensuring borrowers are never caught off guard with unexpected charges.

Lastly, Lime24 places a strong emphasis on security. They’ve taken measures to ensure user data is protected, aligning their operations with global standards and local South African legislations.

Advantages of the Lime24 Loan Comparison

Comparing loans can be a daunting task, but Lime24 simplifies this process. Here are some advantages of using Lime24 for loan comparisons:

  • Clear Overview: Lime24 provides all the necessary details upfront, from loan amounts to repayment terms. This clarity helps borrowers make informed decisions.
  • Fast Application Processing: Once you decide to apply, Lime24 boasts a swift approval process. This means you can get the funds you need without unnecessary delays.
  • Transparency: As mentioned earlier, Lime24’s commitment to transparency ensures that borrowers are always in the know. There are no hidden surprises.

Types of Loans Offered by Lime24

Lime24 offers a range of loan products tailored to meet various needs. Let’s delve into these offerings:

Short-Term Loans

These are loans designed to be repaid in a short period, typically up to 37 days. Lime24 offers short-term loan amounts ranging from R 500 to R 8,000.

Such loans are ideal for: Covering unexpected expenses, Bridging the gap until the next payday, Handling small emergencies

Personal Loans

While the exact details aren’t specified on the website, personal loans are generally larger amounts that can be repaid over a more extended period.

They can be used for: Consolidating debts, Making significant purchases, Funding home improvements

Auto Loans

Auto loans are designed for individuals looking to purchase a vehicle.

Lime24 could offer such loans to help borrowers: Buy a new car, Upgrade their current vehicle, Refinance an existing auto loan

Requirements for a Lime24 Loan

When considering a loan with Lime24, it’s crucial to be prepared with the necessary documents and information. Lime24 has a set of requirements that every applicant must meet to ensure a smooth loan application process.

Documents and Information Needed

  1. Cellphone Number: This is crucial for communication purposes. Lime24 might send verification codes or updates regarding your loan application to this number.
  2. SA ID Number: A valid South African ID number is mandatory to verify your identity and ensure you’re eligible for a loan.
  3. Bank Account Details: Lime24 will need your bank account details to transfer the loan amount once approved. Additionally, they’ll use these details to set up repayment methods.
  4. Latest 3 Months Bank Statements: These statements should clearly show your income. Lime24 uses this information to assess your financial stability and determine your loan affordability.

Ensuring that you have these documents and information readily available will contribute to a smoother application process with Lime24. It’s important to adhere to these requirements to meet the eligibility criteria and enhance the chances of a successful loan application.

Lime24 Loan on Mobile

Simulation of a Loan at Lime24

If you’re considering applying for a loan with Lime24, it’s beneficial to understand the application process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through it:

  1. Create Your Profile: Start by visiting the Lime24 website and entering your personal information, including your mobile phone number.
  2. Provide Banking Details: Next, you’ll need to submit your latest 3 months’ bank statements and provide details of your salary bank account.
  3. Choose Loan Terms: Once your documents are in order, you can select the desired loan amount and term. Lime24’s platform will then provide you with a clear breakdown of the loan terms, including the repayment amount.
  4. Read and Sign the Contract: Before finalizing the loan, ensure you thoroughly read the contract. Once you’re satisfied with the terms, sign the contract digitally.
  5. Receive the Funds: After the contract is signed, Lime24 will process the loan, and the funds will be transferred to your bank account.

Eligibility Check

Before delving into the loan application process, it’s wise to check if you’re eligible for a Lime24 loan. Lime24 offers tools or methods to help potential borrowers pre-check their eligibility.

On their platform, Lime24 provides a loan calculator. While this tool is primarily designed to give potential borrowers an idea of possible loan terms, it also serves as an indirect eligibility check. By inputting your desired loan amount and term, the calculator provides a breakdown of the loan, including the repayable amount. If the terms are favorable and align with your financial situation, it’s a good indication that you might be eligible for a Lime24 loan.

Lime24 has streamlined its loan application process, ensuring it’s user-friendly and transparent. By understanding the requirements and following the step-by-step guide, potential borrowers can navigate the process with ease and confidence.

Security and Privacy

In the digital age, the security and privacy of personal and financial information are paramount, especially when dealing with financial institutions. Lime24 recognizes this and has taken robust measures to ensure that its users’ data remains protected.

How Lime24 Ensures the Security of Personal and Financial Information

Lime24 employs a multi-layered approach to data security. One of the standout features of their security protocol is their compliance with global standards. Their payment system, for instance, meets the stringent requirements set by major credit card companies like Visa and Mastercard. This ensures that any financial transaction made on their platform is secure and free from vulnerabilities.

Lime24 operates in alignment with the National Credit Regulator and the legislations of the Republic of South Africa. This alignment not only ensures that they adhere to local financial regulations but also that they maintain a high standard of data protection.

Privacy Policies and Data Handling Practices

Lime24’s commitment to user privacy is evident in their comprehensive privacy policy. This policy outlines how they collect, use, and safeguard user information. It provides clarity on the types of data they gather, the purposes for which it’s used, and the measures in place to protect it.

One of the key aspects of Lime24’s data handling practice is transparency. They ensure that users are always informed about any data collection activity. They provide users with the option to control the data they share, giving them the autonomy to decide what information they’re comfortable providing.

In addition to their proactive measures, Lime24 also has reactive strategies in place. In the unlikely event of a data breach or any security compromise, they have protocols to address the situation promptly, ensuring minimal impact on their users.

How Much Money Can I Request from Lime24?

When considering a loan from Lime24, one of the primary questions potential borrowers have is regarding the amount they can request. Lime24 offers a range of loan amounts to cater to various needs.

Minimum and Maximum Amounts

Lime24 provides loans starting from a minimum amount of R 500. This is ideal for those who need a small financial boost, perhaps to cover an unexpected expense or tide them over until the next payday. On the other end of the spectrum, Lime24 offers loans up to a maximum of R 8,000. This higher amount can be suitable for more significant expenses or investments.

Receive Offers

Lime24 stands out in the lending market due to its personalized approach to loan offers. Instead of providing a one-size-fits-all solution, Lime24 tailors its loan offers based on individual profiles.

How Lime24 Creates Personalized Loan Offers

The process begins when a potential borrower inputs their details and requirements into Lime24’s system. Lime24 then assesses this information, taking into account factors like income, financial stability, and loan repayment history. Based on this assessment, Lime24 generates a loan offer that aligns with the borrower’s financial situation. This ensures that the loan terms, including the interest rate and repayment period, are manageable for the borrower.

Advantages of Choosing Lime24

How Long Does It Take to Receive My Money from Lime24?

Once you’ve decided to take out a loan with Lime24, the waiting period to receive the funds is a crucial consideration.

Average Processing Times

Lime24 prides itself on its swift application processing. In many cases, once your application is approved, you can expect to receive the money in your bank account within a short timeframe. The exact duration can vary, but many users have reported receiving their funds on the same day of approval.

Factors Affecting Withdrawal Speed

While Lime24 aims to process loans swiftly, certain factors can affect the speed at which you receive your money:

  • Banking Details Accuracy: Ensure that the bank account details provided are accurate. Any discrepancies can lead to delays.
  • Time of Application: Applications made during business hours are likely to be processed faster than those made outside of these hours or during weekends.
  • Document Verification: If Lime24 requires additional verification or documents, this can extend the processing time.

How Do I Repay My Loan from Lime24?

Repaying a loan is as crucial as obtaining one. Lime24 understands this and has streamlined the repayment process to ensure it’s hassle-free for its borrowers.

Repayment Options and Plans

Lime24 offers multiple repayment options to cater to the diverse preferences of its users. Typically, the repayment is set up as a direct debit from the borrower’s bank account. This ensures that the repayment is made on the due date, eliminating the risk of forgetting or missing a payment. Borrowers can also log into their Lime24 profile to view their repayment schedule, keeping them informed about upcoming due dates.

For those who prefer manual payments, Lime24 provides options to make repayments via bank transfers or through other electronic payment methods. It’s essential to ensure that payments made this way are done before the due date to avoid any late fees.

Possible Fees and Penalties

While Lime24 is transparent about its loan terms and costs, borrowers should be aware of potential fees and penalties:

Late Payment Fees: If a repayment is missed or delayed, Lime24 may charge a late payment fee. This fee is to cover the administrative costs associated with managing late payments.

Early Repayment Fees: Some lenders charge fees for repaying a loan early, as it can affect the interest they earn. It’s advisable to check with Lime24 if any such fees apply.

Online Reviews of Lime24

Online reviews provide valuable insights into the experiences of real users. Here’s a glimpse into what customers have to say about Lime24:

What Customers Say About Lime24

Many customers appreciate Lime24’s swift application processing, highlighting that they received their funds promptly. The transparency Lime24 offers, especially with no hidden fees, is another aspect that resonates positively with users.

However, like any service, there are mixed reviews. A few users have mentioned facing challenges with customer service, while others have pointed out discrepancies in the loan terms. It’s essential to remember that individual experiences can vary, and while many have had positive interactions with Lime24, it’s always a good idea to do thorough research and read multiple reviews before making a decision.

Customer Service

Lime24 places a strong emphasis on ensuring that its customers have a smooth and hassle-free experience. Their customer service team is dedicated to assisting borrowers at every step of the loan process. Whether it’s a query about loan terms, repayment schedules, or any other concern, Lime24’s team is equipped to provide timely and accurate responses.

Do You Have Further Questions for Lime24?

If you have additional questions or need clarification on any aspect of Lime24’s services, reaching out to their customer service is a good starting point. They offer multiple channels of communication, including email and phone support. Their website also features a comprehensive FAQ section, which addresses many common queries and concerns.

Alternatives to Lime24

While Lime24 offers a range of financial solutions, it’s always a good idea to explore alternatives to ensure you’re getting the best deal suited to your needs.

Comparison Table

To aid in the decision-making process, here’s a simple comparison table that outlines some of the key features of Lime24 and its alternatives:

FeatureLime24WongaCapfinDial DirectMyMulahSunshine Loans
Loan Amount RangeR 500 – R 8,000Up to R 8,000Up to R 50,000Up to R150,000
Up to R5,000R500 – R4,000
Repayment TermsUp to 37 daysUp to 6 monthsUp to 24 months12 to 60 months1 day to 90 daysUp to 49 days
Interest RatesFixed per loan termFixed per loan termFixed per loan termAs low as 15%From 5% up to 38%22.7% per annum, plus a flat fee of R195
Application ProcessOnline, fast processingOnline, quick decisionOnline & in-store, may require more documentationOnlineOnlineEntirely online
More InfoWonga ReviewCapfin ReviewDial Direct ReviewMyMulah ReviewSunshine Loan Review

History and Background of Lime24

Lime24 was established with the aim of providing South Africans with a transparent and efficient loan solution. Over the years, the company has grown, adapting to the changing financial landscape and the needs of its customers. Their journey from a startup to a reputable loan provider is a testament to their commitment to offering reliable financial solutions.

Company’s Mission and Vision

Lime24’s mission is to simplify the loan process, making it accessible and understandable for everyone. They believe in transparency, ensuring that customers are always informed and never face unexpected surprises. Their vision is to be a leading loan provider in South Africa, recognized for their integrity, transparency, and customer-centric approach.

Lime24 Logo

Pros and Cons

Like any service, Lime24 has its strengths and areas for improvement. Here’s a breakdown:


  • Transparent Terms: Lime24 is clear about its loan terms, ensuring customers are never caught off guard.
  • Quick Processing: Many users appreciate the swift approval and disbursement process.
  • User-Friendly Platform: Their online platform, complete with a loan calculator, makes the application process smooth.


  • Limited Loan Amount: With a maximum of R 8,000, some users might find the loan amount restrictive for larger financial needs.
  • Short Repayment Period: A maximum repayment term of 37 days might not be suitable for everyone, especially those looking for longer-term loans.


Lime24 has positioned itself as a reliable loan provider in South Africa, particularly for those seeking short-term financial solutions. Their emphasis on transparency, quick processing, and user experience makes them a favorable choice for many. However, potential borrowers should consider the loan amount limitations and repayment terms to determine if Lime24 aligns with their specific needs. A balanced assessment of the advantages and disadvantages is crucial in making an informed decision when choosing a financial service provider.

Frequently Asked Questions about Lime24

How quickly can I receive funds from Lime24?

Once approved, many users receive their funds on the same day.

Is there a fee for early repayment?

It’s advisable to check with Lime24 directly, as terms can vary.

How secure is my data with Lime24?

Lime24 places a strong emphasis on data security, ensuring that user information is protected and aligns with global standards.

Can I extend my repayment term?

Terms and conditions apply, and it’s best to contact Lime24’s customer service for specific queries related to loan extensions.

What is the maximum loan amount I can request?

Lime24 offers loans up to a maximum of R 8,000.